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 Finals!!   미정
조회: 1662 , 2003-07-01 14:01
Oh, tomorrow will be the most pleasant and wonderful and brilliant day of this year for me!!!!
Finals're over tomorrow!!!!!!!!! It's really incredible that I have only one day left until The Day!!!
Hey, you know what?  I have studied for Finals for an entire month and a week. And you know I always force myself to study even when I really don't feel like, and get stressed until the exams're over. So, I've been in such a depressed mood for, what, a month!
And this time it is paticulary hard to study because I got such bad grades last mid-term exams. they were the worst I ever had.
So, I suppose you can guess how I am delighted now!! Plus, SUMMER VACATION is coming!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy now!
Oh, and have you read the fifth edition of Harry Potter series, 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'? It's FANSCINATING!! It's the best among the series at all!!!
I'm beginning to envy J.K. Rowling for having such a great imagination!!

볼빨간   03.07.01 화이팅!!!

시험 잘치시길 바래용 ㅎㅎ
글고 난 짐 열라 해리포터 5탄이 나오길 기다리는 중인디..
부럽습니다 그 감동과 흥분을 먼저 느끼셨다니..
우리나라에도 빨랑 나왔으면 좋겠시요 ^^

뷰리풀님 화이팅 화이팅!!