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 sometimes love just ain't enough~   미정
good 조회: 1422 , 2001-06-10 00:03
Day after day, month after month, I try not to be thoughtful..
nor be sad.. however these pain in my heart spread out when
things are not properly arranged...it's been a great days or very
dangerous adventure.  I would not think about the "dark side"
cuz I am having enough thoughts. I wonder what would happen
if i didn't make any decision for that thing.  It's been a such
a pleasure that I can make people happy and being a part of
organization.  I turn around and back to my rest place; "it's been
a very pleasure day!" "I would live just like today"
or "Tomorrow maybe little bit brighter then today"

I don't wanna bragg myself, I am tired though...
I am scared when I feel sad and loneliness..
Think are not making me satisfied..
but i won't cry cuz i cried enough..
I left my drum stick...music.and art
I was looking for drum machine in arcades..
just wanna stress out my feeling doing that thing again as a rountine
I wanna play, sing, paint, and visualize my feeling
But..main fact I can't do it now..because I am nothing rightnow...]
I wanna mylife be brighter in tomorrow!!

I hope..


하늘+별   01.06.10 이씽..

데이 어프털 데이, 먼트 에프털 먼트, 아이 트라이 낫 투 비 터치펀(몬 읽겠따)
넌(몬일께따) 비 세드.. 호벌(몬일께다) 더즈 페인 인 마이 할트 스페얼드 아웃 덴
띵즈 알 낫 펄퍼링 알언글드 ...잇 츠 빈 어 그레이트 데이즈 오알 베리



할일 없어서 해봤는데..

우리나라말 몰라여?

왠만하면 좋은 우리나라 말 쓰죠..ㅡ ㅡ;

(무식한게 죄당~)


영어 잘하네여..

제가 중2인데

중2수준으로 읽고 해석 할 수는 있겠는데..

전 몬하겠네요..

하튼 무슨 내용인지는 잘 몰라두

잘 사세영~*^^*

쥬니   01.06.15 드럼

ㅎㅏ ㅎㅏ.

4년간 밴드하면서.
옆에서 드러머 치는거 보고.
흉내내보려고는 했었는데.

계속 해여.
난 내가 좋아하는것 못하게 되면...
너무 메말라서 갈라질것 같은데...

그건 그냥 내 생각.

잡생각. -_-